Annette White-Klososky is an executive coach and consultant focusing on team effectiveness and making organizational culture visible.
Annette White-Klososky is an executive coach and consultant focusing on team effectiveness and making organizational culture visible.
We help our members drive better decisions, gain fearless confidence and achieve their biggest outcomes. Our members are business owners, executives in Fortune 1000 companies and trained problem solvers.
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Annette’s Adaptive Culture Consulting Services are meticulously crafted to meet the demands of the leader of today amidst the era of digital transformation. In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, leaders must navigate a dynamic environment that demands agility and resilience. Our consulting services focus on cultivating adaptive cultures within organizations, empowering leaders to steer their teams through change with confidence. We recognize that the leader of today needs to be not only proficient in traditional leadership skills but also adept at navigating the complexities of digital transformation. Our services provide a strategic framework for leaders to foster a culture of continuous learning, innovation, and collaboration, essential elements for success in the digital age. By aligning organizational values with the requirements of a technologically driven world, we empower leaders to champion change, embrace innovation, and lead their teams towards sustainable growth in the digital era.
Top Reasons Why Culture is Increasingly Important:
Employees are now like customers. As the job market has heated up, power has shifted from the employer to the employee.
Leaders lack visibility and timely continuous feedback. Culture is driven from the top down. Yet most executives cannot even define their organization’s culture or have the ability to measure it or figure out how to disseminate it through the company.
The new world of work changes the way we engage people. Flexibility, empowerment, development, and mobility all now play a big role in defining a company’s culture. In most cases the leaders are old school – not even comfortable with the technology.
Employees’ motivations have changed. Today’s workers have a new focus on purpose, mission, and work-life integration. More than twice as many employees are motivated by work passion than career ambition.
Coaching is one of the most valuable tools available to companies and individuals. Executive Coaching delivers a one-on-one growth and development opportunity and produces real business results in a short period of time. Annette customizes coaching to meet the individual’s specific needs and strategically links the coaching goals to the organization’s business strategies. Sessions with the individual’s manager or board of directors are worked into the coaching arrangement to assure accountability to the organization’s vision and organizational strategy if so desired.
The role of the coach is to help the client maximize performance and break through any obstacle holding you back from achieving your goals. It is designed to challenge and develop the executive. We do this by analyzing the leader’s strengths and development opportunities, clarifying goals, developing action plans, addressing new skill needs and eliminating obstacles that stand in the way of success.
Who I Coach:
CEOs and executives reporting directly to the CEO
Senior HR executives
High Potential Leaders
10X High Performance coaching
What a Coaching Engagement Looks Like:
One-on-one interviews: Engagement and analysis with a cross-section of your people (either company-wide or at the divisional level)
Organizational Review: Review organizational strategic goals and measuring tools. Determine if culture assessment or culture pulse survey is needed.
Most Coaching Engagements include:
Comprehensive assessments
On-site meetings with key stakeholders
Face-to-face feedback session and creation of an Individual Development Plan
Meetings with the leader’s manager to share patterns & reporting process
12 month action plan
Coaching sessions after first initial on-site session (6 or 12 months)
Tracking and review of leader progress over time
Wrap-up session and final communication with manager or board of directors